“Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arms. Nothing is too hard for You.” Jeremiah 32:17 NIV
Have you ever gone through something that you believe is too big for God to handle? I believe we all have. My father was a very abusive man. He had to control everything that was going on around him because if things were not as he wanted them to be, he could not figure out how to be happy. What ever the reason, this was how my father was and living in the same house with him was dangerous at times.
As a child I knew nothing different than what I was going through and thought that this is how life was suppose to be. I believed that my life would always be filled with danger and anxiety because of that danger. Whether my father was belittling us or threatening us with his revolver, I learned to be keenly aware of what was going on around me.
However, as I sit here 40+ years later, I can attest to the fact that how my life was back then is NOT how my life is now. This is a miracle in my eyes because statistics show that without treatment, individuals who experience what my mother, my brother and I experienced, are more likely to end up involved in very similar types of relationships throughout their lives.
I give all the credit to God that my mother was able to take my brother and me and leave that situation when I was a child, and not return to it or create that type of relationship with another person. My mother endured abuse from my father for many years and based on how others in society have reacted to that type and length of abuse, the likelihood that she would be able to leave and make it on her own had was very small.
However, some of those people in society who have endured what my mother endured did not have what my mother had and that was faith. She believed that God was always with her and that He would walk with her through anything and everything. God walked beside my mother, my brother and myself during those years and brought us out the other side of those experiences. I know that our situation was not too big for God and that there is no situation that God cannot handle.
As you move through life, moments and situations are going to occur that you would rather not happen, but you are not alone in those times. God is in there with you. Maybe the way your situation is going at this moment is not the way you would like it to be going. My question is, have you given it to God and trusted Him to bring you through this moment. If you trust Him, He will walk beside you, and bring you through this time. Situations, experiences, moments in life may seem to big for us to handle, but NOTHING is too big for God!!!!