See Jesus

“They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. “Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.” John 12:21 NIV

This verse is from the passage in John were Jesus is attending the Passover festival. He has come into Jerusalem and the last week of His life which will end in His crucifixion, has begun. There were some Greeks who had followed behind the crowd and were now interested in ‘seeing’ Jesus. Most likely they wanted to talk to Him, not just physically see Him.

We are not told why the men wanted to see Jesus or talk to Jesus, just that they wished for this to happen. Jesus drew crowds around Him no matter where He was, people were curious about who Jesus was and what Jesus had to say. I believe these men were no different and were curious about the different and wonderful teachings Jesus was known for and they possibly wanted to know more about them and Jesus.

How often does our curiosity draw us closer to someone or something? We want to know more about whoever it is or whatever it is and we feel that if we could simply get near them or it, we may find some answers to our questions. Jesus is no different. It is wonderful when a person wants to know more about Jesus or Christianity. This curiosity can be the beginning of their spiritual journey with Jesus.

Since we cannot physically see Jesus at this time we, as followers of Christ, are who the world sees as the representation of what Christ is about. Keeping this in mind, Christians have a responsibility to make sure that we represent Jesus to the best of our ability. However, if I was able to place a warning sticker on this idea of representing Jesus as His followers, it would say ‘Warning: Christians are not Jesus, we are His followers who are trying to become like Him. We are imperfect on our best days, and our mistakes should not be held against Jesus.’

Seeking out Christians is a wonderful way to begin to hear about Who Jesus is and what Jesus is teaching, but the one true way to get to ‘see’ Jesus is to begin to have a personal relationship with Him by praying to Him and reading the Bible. The Gospel books of the Bible are our historical account of what Jesus went through, His reactions to life events and His teachings. There are no better ways to get to know Jesus than through His word and communication with Him.

Please don’t place a Christian, no matter who they are, in such high esteem that they become who you are looking to see and hear from. That position of worship is only reserve for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the One who died for our sins.

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us different ways to ‘see’ and hear from You and Jesus. Your word and the ability to remain in communication with You and Jesus through prayer are so very important to our spiritual walk. If there is anyone who is reading this today who has placed a Christian, a pastor or a Christian mentor in place of Jesus as their shepherd, I pray that You will guide them in turning their attention from that person back to Jesus, the One True Shepherd. In Jesus’s precious name. Amen.

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