“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” Hebrews 13:8 NIV
How many things in our world change everyday? The amount of things that stay the same from day to day is smaller than the amount of things that change from day to day. The weather changes, our bodies change, our emotions change, and our interactions with others change, just to mention a few things. There is even a saying about change, “the only consistent thing in life is change” Thankfully, we have a Savior who does not change.
Jesus is the same today as He was yesterday. He loves us just as much today as He did yesterday and as much as He will years from now. He forgives us today just like He forgave us yesterday. Jesus has not changed His mind about us and has not decided to abandon us, He is always there with us, walking along side us each step of our lives.
If anyone changes in our relationship with Jesus, it is us. We can go from being on fire about our relationship with Jesus to being complacent and only pray when we need something, only read His word when we have time and only worship Him when we feel like it. Jesus doesn’t only forgive us when He feels like it, He forgives us each time we repent and ask for it. We need to be consistent in our relationship with Jesus because He deserves to have our constant admiration, devotion and faithfulness, after all, He died in our place so we can live in Heaven with Him for eternity.
As we go about our day today, I pray that we have an awareness of how often we think of Jesus and talk to Jesus. That awareness can help us in being purposeful in our efforts to grow in our relationship with Jesus, thereby maturing in our faith.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for not changing and for being our Constant in a world where things change all the time. Thank You for loving us and being willing to send Your Son to pay the final price for us so we can spend eternity with You in Heaven. Help us to be consistent in our worship with You, our communication with You and our study of Your word. I pray this in Jesus’s precious name. Amen.