“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 NIV
In this verse, Paul is telling the church in Galatia that they are all in this together. There were people with a lot of money, people with a little amount of money, families, people who had never been married, people who were married, widows and widowers, Jewish background and Gentile background now together in the church. These individuals would not normally have associated with each other outside of business according to their culture, so the idea of all of them now worshipping God together was a hurdle that they had to overcome. Paul wanted them to understand, that as far as God was concerned they were all one in Christ. There was no distinction among them to determine if one person was “more worthy” than another of being forgiven and a follower of Christ.
Unfortunately, the idea of some people being “more worthy” of God’s love and forgiveness is a false teaching that we still deal with today. There are individuals who believe that if you do not have the ‘correct’ clothing or drive the ‘right’ kind of car, that you should not be worshipping God in their building. It is sad to me that there are people who want to keep the amazing gift of God’s love from others based on how they look or what they possess.
God makes no distinction between people, He simply loves us ALL.
So my challenge to everyone today – If you have accepted God’s love and forgiveness, I encourage you to spread it like wild flowers, sharing the gift with everyone you know. If you have not accepted God’s love and forgiveness, I encourage you to reconsider. God wants all people to be with Him, not just the ones who look a certain way or have certain possessions.