“I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:7-8 NIV
There is not a great deal to be said about these verses because they are straight forward. David was a man and a king who knew that he was only capable of being the king he was and doing the things he did because his focus was on God. David listened to God as God directed him. David had done this from a young age and continued to seek God’s guidance, listen to God’s directives and follow God’s path for him throughout his life. He had placed God first in his life.
In David’s time, as it is now, there were many false gods. The false gods of David’s time were made of precious metals and were actually statues. The false gods of today are less obvious, some of them are the pursuit of fame and the pursuit of money. Just as many in David’s time thought that the false gods could give them direction, many people now believe that if they attain fame and have enough money that they will know how they are to live their lives. As the false gods of today are not as obvious, we have to be very alert as to who we are choosing to seek and follow when we are looking for guidance and direction.
Only the One True God, Who is alive, can give direction when He is sought. David knowing this, writes it in his Psalms so that others could be enlightened. We, today, are also able to benefit from David’s wisdom of seeking the One True God.
David kept his eyes on the Lord, who do we keep our eyes on?