“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV
Jesus was perfect. He lived a perfect life and not because He couldn’t sin but because He chose not to sin. He is God and He willingly came to earth to live a life bound by all the human limitations we have. Jesus had parents who loved Him but were not perfect. He chose 12 people who were not perfect, that no one thought could change the world and He led them.
Jesus maintained His perfection even though everyone around Him was imperfect. He watched everyone of them sin, usually daily. Jesus wanted them to be forgiven, just as He wants us to be forgiven.
Jesus willingly took on all of our sin. He didn’t have to agree to do this, but He did. He lived His life knowing that in the end He would suffer at the hands of the very individuals He came to save. As He hung on that cross, everyone of our sins, all of them, were placed on Him so that the final price could be paid in full.
Because of His sacrifice, we are able to be righteous in God’s eyes. We are able to stand before God washed of all of our sins. We are as white as snow, innocent, as if we had never sinned in the first place. That is an amazing gift and I am sad that there are individuals who do not accept that Jesus did that for every last one of us.
I pray that as you read this, that if you are not saved, you would talk to God. Listen to Him as He speaks to you. Jesus wants what is best for you, He came to save you. If you believe you are worthy of being saved or you don’t, please realize that He came to save you. He gave His life so that each one of us, which includes you, can have the choice to accept Him as Lord and Savior or not. My prayer is that everyone accepts Him.