God’s plans

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

It is great to make plans and life is full of them. We make all kinds of plans, plans for the weekend, plans for college, plans our career, plans on how to find a spouse, plans for how many children we are going to have. So many plans. Some of our plans we share with others and some we don’t. We decide what ones we are going to share with others usually based on how crazy we believe them to be.

We even make our plans when we don’t have all of the information. Have you ever looked through a key hole to see what is on the other side of the door? We know that when we look through a key hole, we can’t see all that is on the other side, only a very limited amount of what is actually there. Unfortunately, that is how we make plans at times. We have a limited amount of information and we decide what we are going to do next, even when those decisions are life changing decisions.

One of the things that is wonderful about being a child of God, is that we don’t have to rely only on ourselves to get all the information we need to make decisions, we have the One Who knows all, sees all, is in charge of all, willing to help us. We don’t have to know what the next several steps are in the path we are taking if we are willing to trust the One who made the path. Not only can we trust Him, we can also seek Him and His counsel daily to learn if where we are placing our foot to take that next step is in the right direction.

God has plans for us, good plans if we listen to Him. However, listening is only the first step in this process. After we listen to Him, we need to take action, take the steps that He is guiding us to take, maybe that is studying for the test you have in school, answering the phone because the next business opportunity is calling, or maybe it is taking that next step that you are considering a huge leap of faith.

No matter what the action is, there is one thing for sure, you will never know if it was the way to go, if it would have worked out or not, if you don’t move forward. I pray that as you go about your day that you seek God and His counsel on what your path is. Have a blessed day.

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