
“To the one he gave 5 talents of money, to another 2 talents and to another 1 talent, each according to his ability. And he went on his journey.” Matthew 25:15 Berean Standard Bible

Have you ever heard someone say “I can’t do that. I’m not talented enough?” Have you ever said that? I have said it more times than I should have said it over the years. I have come to realize that when I say things such as “I am not good enough or I have no authority to do that” I have taken my eye off of God. I have placed my trust in my own strength, my own ability and my authority, which is NOT where it belongs.

Where it, my trust and faith, does belong, where it should always be, is with God. When I keep my trust and faith in God and His miraculous abilities, then I am able to do anything that He wants to us me to do. I can do it because and only because of His strength, because of His ability and because of His authority, not mine.

God gave us free will and we can choose to follow God and His promptings or not, it is completely up to us. We are not robots that God has programmed to make the choices He wants us to make or to do the tasks that He wants us to do. He is not going to make us into robots either by following Him, we maintain our free will. God wants us to be free so that we can choose whether or not we want to submit to Him and follow His will for our lives. It pleases God when we use our free will to follow Him and choose to walk the path that He has laid out for us to walk.

Have you felt God’s prompting to do something, go somewhere or say something? Do you want to do it? Are you afraid to say ‘yes’ to it? What is driving your fear? Where have you placed your trust that what is being asked of you can be done by you? These are all questions that we should be asking ourselves when we think we are being nudged to do something, go somewhere or say something by God.

When God is calling you to walk a particular path, He is going to give you the strength, the ability, the talent, the time, the authority to do it. Our fear of not being enough is accurate because we are not enough – God is and that is where we draw from to enable us to do what is asked of us when it should be impossible for us to do it. Please do not rely on your own talent, instead remember and believe that God has enough talent for all of us.

So I ask again, have you felt God prompting you to do something, go somewhere or say something? What is your choice going to be? I pray that it is to follow God as He wants what is best for you and we hopefully want what is best for the furthering of His kingdom. Think about it as you go about your day. Have a great day.


When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” Exodus 3:4 NIV

The first 3 verses of this chapter explain that Moses was tending to his father-in-law’s sheep when he saw this miraculous sight of a bush that was on fire but did not seem to be consumed by the fire. His curiosity won out and he goes up to the area where the bush that is on fire but not being consumed is located. It is at that point when the Lord calls out to Moses by name.

Think about that for a moment. First very odd, very strange thing is a burning bush that is not being consumed by the fire. Second very odd, very strange thing is a voice coming out of that same bush. Third very odd, very strange thing is that the voice knows his name. Moses is a lot calmer about this than I would have been, he is a lot braver about this than I would have been and he is a lot more willing than I would have been to stand there.

My response may have been to look around for who was messing with me, run away, yell out of fear or possibly even faint. Not Moses, he stands there and says ‘Here I am’. That is someone who is willing. However, if you know anything about Moses’s story than you know that as the conversation with God continues that Moses goes from a person who was willing to stand in the presence of God at the burning bush to someone who begins to question his ability to do what God is asking him to do.

I believe that a lot of us have that moment of willingness to answer God’s call, but for some of us, that willingness fades fast as we learn of the details of God’s plan. For some of us that willingness fades because we cannot seem to see the details of God’s plan or at least enough of the details to keep us calm. Willingness can be hard and what God is asking you or I to do may be hard as well, but God knows things we do not know. The one thing that we do know is that God will be with us each step of the way as we go through the event, circumstance, trial or challenge that God is calling us to go through.

I have friends who are Officers in the Salvation Army and are required to move to new appointments every so many years. This is hard on the people in the congregation as we say ‘good-bye’ or at least ‘see you later’ to our friends who are leaving and say ‘hello’ to the new officer as they arrive. However, I do not believe that this is not as hard for us as it can be for them. We are staying in the same home we have been in, staying in the same town that we have been in and staying with the same group of people we have been with, where they are going to a new home, new town and to meet a new group of people.

Yesterday we said those ‘good-byes’ or ‘see you laters’ to our friends as they moved from our church to their next church appointment. It was not easy for us but I know that it was harder for them to leave what they have known for the last several years and go out into the unknown. But as I said, they are Officers, which in the Salvation Army means that they are pastors who know that God walks with them each step of the way.

They are willing to do what God has asked them to do. Are you willing? Willing to do what God asks you to do.

23rd Psalm, Goodness and mercy

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” Psalms 23:6 KJV

As David finishes this psalm, he moves from talking about this life on earth to describing life in heaven. David is acknowledging that God’s goodness and mercy have been with him through his life and will continue to be with him as he lives out the remainder of his days. Then David makes a bold statement about where he will spend eternity. He states that he will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. He is describing living in very close proximity to the Lord and he will do this for eternity.

As I wrote before about how the 4th verse sometimes brings peace of mind and comfort to people who are facing the last days of their mortal life here on earth, this last sentence of the last verse can also bring peace of mind and comfort. Not only do we, as believers know we are not alone, but we are also reminded in this verse that we are going to live with God for all of eternity.

When I think of my mother, my aunt and my friend Hope, I can picture them making their homes in heaven and rejoicing as they are with the Lord. They know that being with Him will not end and when I get there, it will not end for me either. I also know that I will see them again when I join them, which also brings me peace.

Do you have this peace. the peace of knowing that when your time on earth is done, that you will dwell with God? That you will live in close proximity with Him for ALL of eternity? As a believer, I know this and even though I do not wish to leave this life just yet, I know that when the time comes, my eternal home will be a wonderful place but most importantly I will be with God. Are you able to believe that you will be with God for eternity? I certainly hope so.

23rd Psalm, Cup runneth

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” Psalms 23:5

David describes a scene where a host has prepared the dinner table for the guest to sit at and eat. The host has brought to the dinner the enemies of the guest and by having them watch as the guest is able to eat and enjoy himself, they are shown the protected status of the guest. David is saying that this table was prepared for him by the Lord and that the Lord has brought David’s enemies together as a captive audience to watch as the Lord is protecting David.

As David talks about the use of oil, it is important to know that oil was used for many things, in David’s time. A person would use it for healing purposes as well as welcoming guests into their home and even as fuel. So when David writes that God has anointed his head with oil, he is telling those who read this psalm that he knows Who has been providing for him, Who has protected him throughout the years and Who has blessed him as king.

The visual of a cup that is running over with the liquid inside of it is also a way of demonstrating being blessed and provided for. David has used 3 different ways to show that the Lord provides for him, protects him and blesses him within this verse inside the psalm.

How many ways can we say that God has provided for us, protected us and blessed us? I know that there many ways that God has provided for me. I have a job, food, clothes, a home, electricity, a car and people who value and love me. He has protected me by helping me to not enter into relationships that are harmful to me and given me direction about the path I am to be walking. He has blessed me in my profession and my personal relationships.

As you go through your day today, I challenge you to stop and think about all the different ways that God has provided for you, has protected you and has blessed you. You will be amazed at how many ways you will find when you stop and look. Have a wonderful day.

Psalm 23, Valley of the shadow

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalms 23:4 KJV

Even in those darkest moments of life when all seems lost or hopeless, we are not alone. David realized this and was acknowledging that God was with him as He is always with us today, even in the lowest valleys of life. Once we embrace that God is with us, we stand a little taller as we choose not to fear evil. Fear happens though, but knowing that we have God on our side, walking right along with us, gives us the courage to face that fear.

In this verse, David talks about the rod and the staff, making a parallel to the shepherd again. Shepherds would use their rod to protect their sheep from predators as they used the rod to strike the predator. They use their staff to guide their sheep by placing the hooked end around the sheep and physically guiding the sheep back to the herd. When a shepherd is carrying his rod and staff, he is able to protect the sheep and guide them. This is a source of comfort to the sheep, and in that same way David is using this imagery to say that God, the ultimate Shepherd, is able to protect and guide us as well.

This verse, in particular, in the psalm has also brought comfort to a lot of people who have been in their last days as they think about walking through the valley of death. To know that they will not take that walk alone brings peace of mind, and not only to them but to their loved ones as well. This particular verse in this psalm brought my mother and myself comfort in her last days as she knew she would not need to fear death. We both knew that she would not walk that path alone and that when she made it through the valley, she would be with God for all of eternity.

This was only guaranteed for my mother because she was born again. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, then that is not how you will experience the valley of death when your time comes. I cannot urge everyone enough to really look at your life and determine if you want to have a close relationship with Jesus or walk that valley alone. You don’t have to ever be alone, God will always be with you, but you need to accept Him and reach out for Him.

23rd Psalm, He restores

“He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalms 23:3 KJV

David moves from comparing himself to a sheep and the Lord to a shepherd and begins to talk about how there are times when his soul is in need of being restored and that the One who is able to do that is God. God is able to renew us, renew our souls, bring us back to a healthy spiritual state, where we were before we moved away from God and towards the world, as we so often do. We are not perfect and even though we want to remain as close to God as we can be, we drift away from God at times, much like sheep drift away from the herd. We leave the path that God has been leading us on, the path of righteousness, and wander away from God’s teaching and His guidance.

When we realize that we are no longer close to our Lord, we are able to ask for direction, but we have to be willing to do what the Lord instructs us to do so that we can come closer to Him. When we are willing and ask, God shows us the path we need to be on, brings us close to Him, restores our souls, and we are renewed.

God knows what is best for us, the best path for us to be on, it is us who tend to wander from that path. We do this for many reasons, which are not as important as the fact that God is willing to bring us back to Him. He is willing to restore our souls after we have strayed off as we humans do sometimes. He is willing to put us back on the right path that we are to be walking on. He is willing to forgive us and He continues to love us.

Does your soul need restoring? Do you find yourself on a different path than the one God has been leading you on? Have you stopped and thought about how you are going to get back on the path intended you to be on? God is the only way to have your soul restored or to return to the path that God started you on before you wandered off. If you answered yes to any of those questions, I encourage you to stop what you are doing and pray to our Lord and Savior. Ask Him for the help you need to get back on the correct path, the path that God has planned out for you. Let God restore your soul.

23rd Psalm, Green pastures

“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside still waters.” Psalms 23:2 KJV

David continues to use the metaphor of a shepherd and sheep as he writes this Psalm. Unlike driving a herd of cattle from the rear, a shepherd would lead his sheep by being in the front of the herd and having them follow him to places where they can eat, drink and find rest. Depending on the terrain that the shepherd found himself and the herd in, green pastures and still waters may be hard to find. So when the shepherd found a green pasture, he remained there with the sheep as long as he could so that they could feed off of the grass and rest in the soft blanket of the grass. God wants us also to lie down and rest because in resting we regain our energy to continue our journey to do His will.

Shepherds also knew that they needed to lead their herds to water that was barely moving, not stagnate water but water that was not moving quickly. The sheep would not be able to drink from a body of water that had a fast current in it as it could possibly sweep them into the current. So shepherds would find bodies of water that had slow moving currents so that the sheep could stand in and take their time drinking and rehydrating their bodies.

Green pastures and still waters are representative of God’s word. Just as lush green grass has nourishment for animals, God’s word has nourishment for us. Animals eat grass to sustain their bodies and we read God’s word to sustain our souls. Just as still waters enable the sheep to consume the water that they desperately need, by ‘drinking’ from God’s word we are receiving what we desperately need. The sheep drink from the still waters to rehydrate their bodies and we drink from the Living water that enables us to not be thirsty.

Have you let God lead you where you need to go to find nourishment for your soul, to quench your thirsty by drinking from the Living water, to find rest so you can regain your energy? Are you listening to God and going where you need to go or are you resisting what God is trying to do for you?

23rd Psalm, The Shepherd

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Psalms 23:1

David writes this psalm using imagery from his past. He was a shepherd when he was younger and understands what a shepherd means to the flock or herd – provider, protector, leader. This verse reminds us that God, our Lord and Savior, is the ultimate shepherd.

He provides for His children. David is remembering that God has provided for him many times when David has followed God’s will for his life. David uses ‘want’ in the same regard as ‘need’ in this Psalms, as he wants for nothing. Being the ultimate Shepherd, the Lord protects His children. He protected David when King Saul was hunting him trying to kill him. The Lord is also a leader for His children. God guides His children in the direction of His will for each and every one of their lives. God led David daily as King of Israel.

This imagery was a very familiar image for a lot of people in David’s time. Shepherd were the individuals who kept the sheep or other herds of animals alive. They would provide for the animals by taking them from pasture to pasture to feed. The shepherd would protect the sheep from the animals that were natural predators of the sheep. The shepherd would have the animals grouped together in one area, guarding them and fighting off any animals that tried to kill them. The shepherd also was the leader of the sheep and the sheep knew their shepherd’s voice. They usually would not follow the voice of a different shepherd because they did not know that voice therefore they did not know if they could trust that voice.

This psalm begins with reminding us that God is our Shepherd, and He will provide for us, protect us and lead us, if we let Him. God wants to be our Shepherd, He wants to provide for us, protect us and lead us because He loves us and we are His children.

Do you look to God as your provider, your protector and your leader? Do you trust God to fulfill any of those roles for you? Do you want to have the ultimate Shepherd provide for you, protect you and lead you? Only you know the answer to any of these questions and only you can make the decision about how you want your relationship with God to look. As you go through your day today, think about how you would answer these questions.


“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 NIV

Earlier in the chapter, it is discussed that Adam had no helper and God said it was not good for man to be alone. God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and He removed one of his ribs and made a woman as Adam’s helper. This was the first marriage, Adam and Eve. As the only 2 people on the earth, they had to rely on each other.

That’s what marriage is about, 2 people relying on each other through good and bad, always knowing that they will be there for each other. For the marriage to be successful, there needs to be only those 2 people involved in the relationship, which is why the man and the woman both leave their parents and cling to each other. The only other ‘being’ that should be present in a marriage is God as He directs the couple’s path.

This verse came to mind because my husband and I had the privilege and honor of attending a friend’s wedding this weekend. It was a beautiful wedding in a wonderful setting by a pond, but what was more precious to me than all of the plans that had been made to have a flawless ceremony was that we were able to be witnesses to the beginning of a life together. The couple stood in front of their family and friends and promise to keep God in the center of their marriage. They made an oath to rely on each other throughout all the days to come, knowing that there will be both plentiful and hard times in their future.

As they said their vows, I remembered my wedding and the solemn oath that both my husband and I took that day.  It has been 32 years since our wedding day and although there have been ups and downs, we are still very much in love and look forward to another 30+ years.  Marriage takes work, and each couple needs to remember that communication with the other person is very important. You need to communicate about every thing in your life, sharing with your spouse all of the worries, the joys, the sad times and the happy moments.

I am thankful and feel blessed to have been a part of our friends’ special day as they start their life together and I wish Kendall and Richard the best as they move through the days ahead clinging to each other and to God. Congratulations to both of you.

Happy Father’s Day

“Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalms 25:4-5 NIV

Father’s day has not always been a great day for me. My earthly father was not the best father, and I didn’t have contact with him on any kind of regular basis from the age of 12 on. So Father’s Day was not celebrated in our home the traditional way. Thankfully, God placed 3 men in my life as a child that were able and willing to fill that role on earth for me and be the father figures that I wanted to have. Happy Father’s Day Uncle Roger and I want to wish my Uncle Ben and Uncle Bill a Happy heavenly Father’s Day.

When my husband and I became parents to our son, I taught our son how celebrate his father as I was unable to do with my own father. My husband has done for our son all the things that my father never did for either me or my brother. He has provided safety for our son, he has provided for him financially, he has taught him how to be a person of integrity, he has helped him with his homework, he has shown him how to communicate and most importantly he has loved him unconditionally. I don’t believe there could be a better man for our son to have as a father than my husband.

Through the eyes of the child in this type of relationship, the idea of Father’s Day increased in importance for me when I became serious about my walk with God. I wanted and still do want to celebrate my Heavenly Father everyday, not just on Father’s Day. He has shown me how to be a better person through the people He has placed in my life, He has shown me who He is through His word, He has shown me patience as He has taught me lessons in life and He has shown me how to love others unconditionally by showing me unconditional love. These are all the things that an earthly father is to show and do for his children and I am blessed to have a Heavenly Father who has shown and continues to show me all that my earthly father did not.

My Heavenly Father is perfect but being perfect does not stop Him from wanting to be involved in my life or yours. He doesn’t believe us to be a bother, He wants us to come to Him. So whether you have or had an earthly father that did not measure up to what you expected and wasn’t the “perfect” father, you do have a Heavenly Father who measures up in every way and IS the “perfect” Father.

As I wish each and every father, perfect or not, a Happy Father’s Day, I encourage you to communicate with the One perfect Father that we can all have in our lives and thank Him for always being the Father we need.

Happy Father’s Day to all the men we have been blessed to have in our lives.