“Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 10:38-39 NIV
The passage of scripture that these 2 verses are taken from is a recounting of when Jesus is instructing His disciples to go preach and heal. During this passage, Jesus reminds them that in order to represent Him to the world, that they must love Him above all else, that is what He meant when He says ‘Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.’ The life Jesus is referring to is their old way of living, which was the same as the way the world lived, putting self first.
When we choose to follow Jesus there are things we choose to change about our lives and maybe even cut out of our lives, certain behaviors that are not in line with how we are choosing live now. There are sometimes relationships that are toxic to our decision to change from following the world to following Jesus. Dying to self – placing others, in this case Jesus, above our wants, desires, addictions, relationships and what we have determined to be our needs – is hard. We are essentially taking our old life, the way we lived, thought, acted, reacted, and burying it so that it is no longer a part of our new life.
Sometimes the choice of what is going to be cut from our old lives is made for us. There may be some individuals in our lives who have strong negative reactions to our decision to follow Jesus. They may be very harsh with us, calling us names, treating us differently and even cutting us out of their lives. This is part of what Jesus is warning His disciples about, that they too will suffer for His sake. That as long as they were willing to accept the consequences of following Him, losing everything of this world, they would be worthy enough to be His disciples.
However, when we choose to follow Jesus and then do not change from our old ways and cling instead to our old life, Jesus is saying that we are not worthy to follow Him. A relationship with Jesus is an ALL IN or ALL OUT kind of decision. He does not like indecisiveness. This sounds harsh, but we either are willing to do what is needed to be worthy or not, it truly is our choice.
What are you choosing?