“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from the all. ” Psalms 34:19 NIV
There is no situation, problem or challenge that is too big for God, and the other end of the spectrum is true as well – there is no situation, problem or challenge that is too small for God. Within our human logic, we come to the conclusion that the situation or problem we are facing is so big that literally no one can fix it. Then we read passages such as we read yesterday about how nothing is too hard for God.
Our human logic also concludes that God is so busy with all of the other things going on that when we have a situation or problem that we have decided is very small, that is indeed too small for God to care about or bother with. Just as God wants to be involved in our lives, walk beside us and help us go through difficult, tough life events, He also wants to be involved in our lives during the little things we face everyday, such as losing our keys. Many have believed that God is too busy to help us look for our keys or to figure out what devotion to read this morning. I am here to say that I don’t believe that, I believe that He wants involved in it all.
David says in this verse that the righteous person may have many troubles, which is true. We are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ, but we still have troubles. Being the righteousness of God does not preclude us from challenges. However, as we look at the end of the verse we see that David says that the Lord delivers that person from them ALL, not just from some of them, not just from only the big ones but from them all.
Again, our definition of deliverance from the challenges, problems or troubles we are facing most likely looks different than the definition of deliverance that God has, but there is deliverance none the less. That deliverance comes sometimes at a different pace than we would like as well, but it will come as long as we are actively seeking help from our Lord and Savior.
We are His children and nothing is too big or too small to bother God with. He wants to be involved in our lives and He wants to help us. As a parent, we would rather that our children come and ask us for help with things instead of struggle trying to solve them alone. I believe God feels the same way. So, today I am encouraging you to change your thinking about what you can go to God about. Change from believing that you can only ask God to help you with problems or situations that you have deemed to be “big” enough to bother God with and start including Him in everything you are facing.
You may be amazed at how much smoother your morning can go when you ask God where your keys are and listen for direction, instead of frantically searching everywhere you think you may have left them. Have a blessed day and remember to talk with God about everything, He already knows about what you are facing anyways, so why not include Him.