
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7 NIV

Yesterday I wrote about Philippians 4:6 and today I want to continue with the next verse and talk what happens when we follow verse 6 and give our anxieties and worries to God. Philippians 4:7 tells us that when we are willing to let go of our worries and give them to God, that we can receive peace, peace that only God can give us. When the world talks about peace it is referencing peace that is based on circumstances and is only temporary.

Peace from God is different, it is permanent because it isn’t based on circumstances in the world, it is based on Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. When Jesus died for our sins, He removed the barrier between us and God, our sin. Our sin was stopping us from having peace with God.

Until we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are at odds with God and His will, we are not following His will because we don’t know it. When we are at odds with God, we are not at peace with Him and until we are at peace with God, we can’t receive peace from God.

The peace that God gives us is truly beyond our explanation. Being at peace when everything around you is in chaos is not natural in this world but it is for God. In Matthew 8:23-27, scripture tells of the time when Jesus was at peace in the boat while the storm was going on around Him and everyone else on the boat thought they were going to die. Jesus’s peace came from God and we can have that same peace as well. We simply have to do our part – bring everything to God in prayer with thanksgiving.

When you are in communication with God today, try giving thanks for who He is and everything He has done for you before you tell Him what you need or desire. Then sit quietly and wait for the peace that is truly indescribable to fill you, it is an amazing feeling to know that God is in control and that no matter what happens, He has you in His hands.

Have a wonderful day.

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