Love your neighbor

“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31 NIV

I have written on verse 30 from Mark chapter 12 before, which is where Jesus gives the commandment to love the Lord your God. Now in this verse Jesus is continuing the commandment by adding that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. That is hard sometimes because we don’t know who all is our neighbor.

I believe Jesus is not being concrete in His statement of ‘neighbor’ as only being the person or family that lives right next to you. I believe that Jesus is talking about our ‘neighbor’ as simply other human beings. We are to love each other and Jesus says in John 13:35 that they, the world, will know that you are my disciples by your love for each other.

We are tasked with showing love to everyone we come in contact with as a follower of Jesus and we are to show the same amount of love as we show ourselves. What does that mean? When we love ourselves, we are taking care of ourselves, feeding ourselves, clothing ourselves, sheltering ourselves. We are commanded to be humble and not think so highly of ourselves that we think that we are above others and at the same time we are to think enough of ourselves to not let ourselves be used and abused.

It is that same mindset that we are to use in approaching the idea of loving our neighbor. We are not to think that they are above us or think they are beneath us. We are to show our love by helping them when they need help, forgiving them when they need forgiving and be there when they simply need someone to be with them. We are to do for them what we would want done for us.

I encourage everyone to approach others as our neighbor in all that we do each day, whether we know the person or not. This is how others will know that we are followers of Jesus Christ, by showing the world the love He has shown us.

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