No difference

“For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him” Romans 10:12 NIV

Paul informs the church in Roman that there is no difference to God if a person was a Jew or Gentile, if they called on Him, He blessed them. That is wonderful to hear, that our Lord does not discriminate. He loves everyone no matter what our nationality is, what our skin color is, what our political views are, what our age is, what our gender is, what our physical or mental disabilities are.

It does not matter to Him, if we call on Him, He is there. What matters is what is in our heart towards Him. If we love Him, seek Him, He blesses us and if we listen to Him, follow His lead, He blesses us. This was difficult for some of the followers of Jesus to understand and accept because they had been taught for so long the laws and rituals that needed to occur to be accepted by God. This idea of loving Him and seeking Him and being able to communicate with Him even if they were not a certain nationality or religion took some time to be accepted.

Do you know that God loves you no matter who you are, where you come from, how old you are, what your physical condition is, what your language is or what your religious background is? He loves each and every one of us, you included.

Call on Him today and start a relationship with the Creator of the universe because He loves you and He wants a relationship with you.

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