“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” James 3:1 NIV
James is talking to the members of the early church about the idea of teaching and what they should expect if they do become leaders in the church. Leaders or teachers are looked up to and therefore need to set examples for those looking up to them. More is expected of them as they are to be above reproach, their character should not be able to be questioned.
That is a difficult role for a lot of people to fill. In our time, there are individuals in leadership roles that have committed crimes, that have destroyed others with their words and who have done so in the public eye. As a leader, the people who follow them should have a person who is wanting to be a person of integrity, someone who wants to live a life filled with making the right choice even when it is the hard choice. God will judge leaders and teachers more strictly.
Thankfully, I know many teachers and leaders who are willing to live a life of wanting to make the right choices and who are wanting to be a vessel for God to use to further His kingdom. If this is something that you feel you are being called to do, lead, I simply encourage you to examine your life, how you have lived and how you want to live your life moving forward. God uses the least expected people to fulfil His will and really our willingness is what is needed. Our willingness to be the vessel and to let God change us from the person we were, flaws and all, into the person He wants us to be.
As you go about your day, listen for God’s calling and direction. If you are willing, He will guide you where He wants you to go and if that is into leadership, wonderful. If it is not into leadership, that is wonderful as well, because no matter what God is calling you to do, He has your best at heart.