“Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:16-17 NIV
John is talking here about the new way of living that Jesus is introducing to everyone through His ministry, a way of peace, truth, love and grace. The law that was given to Moses was what was needed at that time but was very inflexible. If you broke one law, you broke them all.
Jesus came so that we could have life and life abundantly. Jesus replaced the Mosaic Law with the Law of the Messiah, it came through Jesus and His sacrifice. The law of Moses did not allow for any errors or room for growth through making mistakes. The way of life that Jesus offers is the opposite, it embraces that we are going to make mistakes. That is why there is grace.
Also, God’s supply of grace is endless, He doesn’t give each person only so much grace and once they use it they are out of grace. No, God’s grace is sufficient for all because it is meant for all and it is for all time.
Have you accepted God’s grace? If you haven’t, do you want to accept God’s grace? If so, pray to God and ask for direction, find a friend who is a Christian and talk about Who it is that they follow, find a Bible teaching church and speak with the pastor. Do any of these or all of these, but please do it, your eternal life, where you will spend eternity, depends on it.