“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
As we move through life, there are times when we feel alone, we have a fight with a family member, a friend breaks a promise to us or we don’t get a job we think we should have gotten. We feel like no one understands us at that time or understands what we are going through. In Jeremiah, we are told that before we were formed in our mother’s womb, we were known. When I read that I had to sit with that thought for a moment and let it sink in. I was known, really known. I can’t hide who I am from God because He knows me.
God truly knows each one of us, He knows our likes, dislikes, He knows how many hairs we have on our head. God knows our DNA, why we have the eye color that we have. He knows our emotions and our thoughts. We are no stranger to God. He not only knows us, He approves of us. He made us and we are His children.
That is a comforting thought when we feel down or alone, that there is someone who knows us, approves of us, will never leave us and loves us despite all that we do. If God was not going to love us, approve of us, value us or continue to be involved with us, He would not have made us. He wouldn’t have formed us in our mother’s womb, He would have just stopped. Yet He didn’t, He formed each and every one of us and He gave us each a purpose.
As His children, we should be in a relationship with Him, talking to Him daily, sometimes several times a day. When we feel like no one understands us, we need to think of this verse and remember that God knows us intimately. He has known us since before we were even born, and with all of our flaws, He still wants to be involved with us. God doesn’t turn His love on and off depending on what we do or say. He is love and we were formed in His image so that we could be to others what He is to us, someone who is there for them and who loves them.
As you walk through your day, if you feel alone, misunderstood, or unsure of who really knows you, please recite Jeremiah 1:5. Place the message in your heart, embrace that you are not alone, you are understood and you are known!