“Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” Exodus 3:13 NIV
The second excuse I want to look at is the excuse of “I don’t know enough information to do what is being asked of me.” We see in this verse that Moses tried to use this excuse with God. It seems as if Moses was afraid of looking like a fool standing there without an answer if they started asking him questions.
I tried to use that excuse in regards to writing the book. During the time that I was disagreeing with God about the idea of writing a book, my fear was that I didn’t have enough knowledge about the subject to effectively write something that would even make sense. I was relying on my limited amount of knowledge and not on the endless amount of knowledge that God possesses.
When Moses asked God “what shall I tell them?”, God gave him an answer. We find that answer in the next verse. God’s answer to Moses was “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you” Exodus 3:14. God gave Moses the answer of ‘you have Me and I have all the information you need.’ God showed Moses that He, God, would give him the answers to anything that he was being asked.
God reveals Himself to us when we submit to His will and rely completely on Him. Again, I didn’t have any audible revelation from God saying He was going to give me information, but I had a peace about what to write. When I stopped worrying if I knew everything and began relying on God to give me the information, the words flowed. When I was stumped about what to write, I believe God showed me where to look for the information.
So, today, I encourage all of us, myself included because I am still working on this, to not worry about not having all the answers. Instead I pray that we would rely on God. When we are willing to rely on God, He will help us because He does have all the information. He has all the answers we need.
Heavenly Father, as we looked at another excuse today, I pray that we continue to grow in our walk with You. Please help us to not spend a great deal of time focused on this excuse when it comes into our minds. Help us to come to You as quickly as we can, release those thoughts and move into a position of reliance on You. Thank You for always being there for us, Lord. In Jesus’s precious name, Amen.