“and take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17b
The sword is the one piece of armor that can be used to attack as well as defend. The sword that a soldier carried was large and heavy and the soldier needed to practice with it so he could get used to it’s weight. If he didn’t practice with his sword, a valuable piece of armor would be useless in battle and may even be an advantage for the enemy.
As the sword is paired by Paul with the word of God, we are able to learn from the soldier that we also need to know how to handle this piece of our armor. Knowing God’s word and using it are different. Many people can memorize scripture, but if they do not use it to promote or defend God’s kingdom, then having that knowledge is not very helpful.
By knowing scripture, it becomes easier for us to draw on it when we are feeling unloved and need to remember that God loves us, when we are scared and need to remember that God is in control. We don’t have to only use it in times of need, we can also recite scripture and talk about scripture with others to spread God’s word. Knowledge is power and action based on knowledge is even more powerful.
I pray that if you are not already grounded in God’s word, that you take action and dive into scripture. God is waiting for you.