“He is the sole expression of the glory of God [the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine], and He is the perfect imprint and very image of [God’s] nature, upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power.” Hebrews 1:3a AMP
I recently heard a teaching on this verse and it made me stand back and look at our world differently. Normally the focus of this verse is about the deity of Jesus, He is both man and God. That He paid the ultimate and final price for our sins, thereby purifying us. That when He was done He sat down to the right of God the Father, a position that was seen in Jesus’s time as a position of honor.
However, that is not what I wish to focus on, the bolded section of the verse is what I would like to discuss. The teaching I heard talked about how this section described the absolute power of God the Son. This world is held together by Jesus’s mighty word of power, He doesn’t even need to exhibit the power, just say the words. Our world is amazing. The stars stay in the sky because Jesus tells them to, the sea doesn’t over run the land because Jesus tells it to and all of the planets stay in their rotations because Jesus tells them to.
We have just the right amount of gravity to let us walk around without floating away or being stuck to the ground. The gravitational pull is perfect in that the sky doesn’t fall and the land or sea doesn’t float up to the sky. If the combination of oxygen and carbon monoxide was off just the slightest we wouldn’t be able to breath. If light moved any slower or faster, we wouldn’t be able to see it and if sound waves were shorter or longer, the experience of hearing would be different. That is how amazingly perfect our God made this world.
Our world is full of wonder and I hope that you can take some time today to stop and take it all in. Stop and look around you, pause and see all the wonders of God. God created all of this for you and me, for us!