Not because of us

“He has saved us and called us to a holy lifeā€”not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,” 2 Timothy 1:9 NIV

Paul is writing this letter to Timothy, his second letter to him, to encourage him. Timothy is a pastor who has worked alongside Paul for years. He is now in Ephesus ministering by himself and Paul is sending encouragement. Timothy is facing continuing the Church after Paul’s death, which Paul believes to be in the near future.

Timothy, as any pastor, has the responsibility of shepherding the new believers into a different way of living, a life of serving Jesus and at the same time, helping the Christians who have been walking in faith with Jesus, continue on the same path of following sound doctrine. This was all very challenging as the Church was not very old in it’s existence and the ‘mature’ Christians had not been walking in faith very long themselves.

Paul is reminding Timothy here in this verse that God Himself, had a plan for each and everyone of us long before we were born, long before He created time. That plan had nothing to do with how great we were or were going to be or what great deeds we were going to do, but everything to do with what God had in mind for humanity.

Clearly, God does not force us into following His plan, we have to choose to believe in Him and follow His plan. However, even if we don’t choose it, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t there to begin with. Paul is encouraging Timothy to continue to follow the plan God has laid out for Timothy in ministering to God’s sheep.

Have you ever thought about what plan God has for you?

If you have, are you searching for what it is so you can follow it or are you already following it?

If you haven’t, please think about how much God loves you and wants what is best for you. Wanting what is best for us, would lead me to believe that the plan He has for our lives is going to be more than we could ever dream of.

The choice is yours.

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