“Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3:11 NIV
Paul continues here in Colossians to repeat what he has said in Galatians and Romans about there being no difference or distinction. When concepts or verses are repeated in the Bible, it is because they are important and important ideas need repeating so they are able to be absorbed by the person or people hearing it. Paul understood this and therefore many concepts and verses are repeated in his letters that are captured in the Bible.
Again, this idea of there being no difference in qualifications for people with God is expressed by Paul. Our human nature wants to put rules and conditions on most things. Since where our soul will spend eternity is a pretty big deal, we definitely want to put qualifiers on that so we can make sure we meet them. The challenge is that there is no qualifying to do, only acceptance of a gift, a gift from God the Father of His Son, Jesus and His sacrifice. Acceptance and belief in Who Jesus is and what He sacrificed for each person. Acceptance that Jesus came into this world as a helpless human baby to save this world from eternal separation from God.
The question isn’t….
‘Do you qualify by your nationality, race, gender, physical abilities, hair color, economic status’ or any thing you have ever done?
The question is….
‘Have you accepted Jesus as the Messiah, believe that He was born a babe in Bethlehem, as an adult willingly gave up His life for you to pay for your sins and after resurrecting from the grave ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father?’ That is the question.
The decision to accept is completely yours. I pray that if you haven’t made that decision yet, that during this Christmas season, you would make the decision to follow Jesus.