“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6 NIV
Our bodies crave what they want and our minds crave control. Control over our bodies, our feelings, our actions and circumstances. So it begins with the mind. What the mind wants and where the mind goes is the starting part.
When we let our flesh control what we think about, decide what we want, then we end up relying on ourselves and our own strength to try and get whatever it is. Most of the time, if we let that happen, what we end up with is a mess to clean up. Not very often is the outcome as wonderful or exciting or grand as we had envisioned it to be.
When we focus on something that our flesh desires, we tend to have tunnel vision, we only see a very small part and miss the rest of a very big picture. Many of us have realized that we are only seeing a small part of the picture but we crave control so much that we are willing to settle for that small part because we believe that we can control it. By doing that, we miss so much that we could be experiencing.
When we focus on what the Spirit desires, we are able to experience so much more of the big picture, but this comes with a catch…..we have to give up control. We have to be willing to trust that God, the One who made the world, universe and us, knows more about the big picture than we do. We have to trust that we are able to rely on Him and that He will get us through whatever we are doing. We have to trust that God wants to do more for us than we could ever ask for or even imagine to ask for.
So my question as we go about our day is this…..what is controlling your mind? We can determine this by realizing if we are chasing the desires of the flesh or the desires of the Spirit. Once we realize what is controlling our minds, we can begin to make sure that we feed our minds scripture (God’s word) instead of worldly views. Have a great day.